Silver Branch Heritage
Silver Branch Services

Silver Branch Services

Silver Branch Heritage would like to help you find out more about your place in Ireland. This is not a genealogical service, although any stories about a specific person in your family tree that I discover will be included in your local profile!  Rather than tracing your family tree, I look at the place where that family tree took root. With the loss of land and census records with the burning of the Public Records Office in 1923, the movement/emigration of people, and the changing spellings of names (both people and places), it may be difficult to trace your ancestors very far back but the place is still there, with all of its stories and traditions.

The local profile will help you to really get a sense of place and of the place that helped for the personality of your ancestors. What did they see on their way to school or market? How did the place get its name? What stories did they tell by the fire? What happened that drove them to leave their home place? What song did they sing or games were played? These are the elements I will search out for you to give you a sense of the atmosphere of the place. If you are looking to find out your ancestors’ stories or you want to the story of a place you have moved in to, I can help. Please fill out the form below so we can get started!


The profile will provide background information to give you a rich context of  the lives of your ancestors. I can give you a quote for services once we have established a starting point.